Like what you've read here? Hate what you've read here? Written something that you'd like me to consider for a future issue?
Please get in touch!
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If you're thinking of contributing, be sure to take a look at the "Contributor's Guidelines" section on this page.
We like to focus on things that can't be found on millions of other sites out there; in otherwords something ORIGINAL!
Please feel free to send your OWN personal pics, poems, stories, interviews, articles, ART, etc. but realize that once we
get it we reserve the right to a) use it or not b)make it part of our PERMANENT archives. We do not steal un-copy-righted
material but realize that others may.
Subscription Information
If you send me your e-mail address, I'll let you know when there are new postings or when I publish a new edition. That way
you can always stay up to date!
Contributor's Guidelines
We crave ORIGINAL art, pics, poems, stories, interviews, reviews, opinions, etc.; so send them in. Please!
Whether it's art, music, philosophy, or your rant about the latest injustice we'd like to hear about it. We are also compiling
a list of the best movies, albums and books of ALL TIME and need your help. So send in a list of no more than TEN of your
favourites in all 3 categories as well as WHY they were chosen and we'll let EVERYONE know!
This site is designed to INSPIRE, ENCOURAGE and WAKE-UP the masses! We do not censor anything but will also not tolerate
IGNORANCE. So if you have something to say go ahead and say it but back up your OPINIONS with FACTS not rhetoric.