Kreed: So tell us about this new project of yours.
Dizzy: Well a lot of people don't realize that we are about to see inflation and a cash crunch that could make the depression
look like a picnic! I'm not trying to terrify people but the reality is that in real spendable money (buying power), the average
North American is making less now than they were 25 years ago when interest rates were over 15% and the average yearly income
was half what it is now. Just ask your parents what they paid for their first home and you'll realize that the only thing
that has increased in value 1000% in the last quarter century is property.
Kreed: So how is this company going to help the average person? Don't you have to have money to make it?
Dizzy: People have more money than they think they do. The problem is they spend up to twice as much as they have to
for everything and they don't even realize they're doing it in many cases.
Kreed: We're very tight with our budget and make sure every cent is accounted for; how can you spend too much and not
know it?
Dizzy: Try this: add up all your interest charges, late fees for movies,games,library books, strata fees, parking tickets,etc.,
cell phone bills( if you aren't writing them off), membership fees for any club you belong to, restaraunt bills that you could
have shaved by using coupons(again unless they are write-offs), grocery bills for buying non-perishable items individually
instead of by bulk, etc., etc. and you will see that you spend a fortune more of your very hard-earned after-tax money than
you have to simply because you haven't done two things. A) Pay cash for everything and buying in bulk.
B) Not having your own business so you can write off over half of your expenses including travel, a portion of your living
expenses, and restaurant bills.
Of course the worst thing that people do and in the days of less than 5% interest is inexcusable is that they spend the
majority of their income paying down someone elses mortgage and increasing their landlords wealth instead of building their
own! Other than buying a new vehicle that isn't a business expense, renting almost anything is just like throwing money away.
Most movies that are on VHS right now are cheaper to buy than to rent but people are so used to "renting first and buying
later" that they can't even see obvious things like that. I love clothes and used to spend a fortune on them until I realized
that well-made, quality, non-trendy clothing is timeless and can be bought second-hand for over 90% less than they were new
simply because someone lost weight or changed tastes or passed away, etc. The best part is that beautiful clothing can be
found in charitable shops that help many people and to top it all off many will give you a further tax-deduction if they are
a registered charity.
Kreed: That sounds kind of Scroogy. We know you can afford to buy anything so why scrounge through used clothing stores?
Dizzy: Again it's a matter of priorities. Would I rather spend my money keeping some over-priced boutique in business
or building affordable housing for people who have never owned a home before? If more people refused to pay the up to 1200%
mark-up that some "up-scale" retailers charge for their goods, more and more so-called "ma-and-pa" stores would spring up
and offer better service, more variety and better prices because they wouldn't be built around an "image" but on sound business
Kreed: So how is this new business going to help us and when does it start?
Dizzy: We're going to do something that no schools or courses currently do. We are going to teach people how money really
works, what it really is, why things (like the so-called "open" market) work the way they do and most importantly how to take
control of their financial lives and beat big-business and government at their own game. In other words we are going to "reveal"
the secrets that have always insured that only 5% of the people control 95% of everything.
Kreed: Sounds semi-scandolous; when does this launch?
Dizzy: We hope to be up and running by April 2004 but we will keep you posted!
Kreed: Thanks for your time; and please let us know how to sign up!
Dizzy: My pleasure and your readers will be first to know!